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This SDK helps you integrate with Lido in two ways:

  1. Using React banner (simplest).
  2. Supporting a UI widget in your project (We provide js functions for staking, unstaking, statistics and transaction info).


npm install @lidofinance/polygon-sdk

Using banner

import { PolidoStakeBanner } from '@lidofinance/polygon-sdk';

<PolidoStakeBanner direction="horizontal" />

6.3 APR + DeFi Yields

Stake MATIC with Lido and receive stMATIC while staking.
Put stMATIC in to DeFI integrations and earn up to 271.63% APY

Using SDK

import { PolidoSDK } from '@lidofinance/polygon-sdk';
import {CHAINS} from "@lido-sdk/constants";
import {useSDK} from "@lido-sdk/react";

try {
const { providerWeb3 } = useSDK();
const polidoSDK = new PolidoSDK(CHAINS.Mainnet, providerWeb3);

// First Approve Tokens for Staking by calling the unlockTokens method
const { amount } = await polidoSDK.unlockTokens({
amount: '20', // The amount of MATIC to approve
// Optional callback for getting information about transaction stage
onTxStageChange: txStageChangeCallback,

// Then, call the Stake method
const { transactionHash, stAmount } = await polidoSDK.stake({
amount: '20', // The amount of MATIC to stake
referral: '0x...', // Optional address field for assigning a referrer in case there is one
// Optional callback for getting information about transaction stage
onTxStageChange: txStageChangeCallback,
} catch (e) {
// Handle Errors

See SDK Staking for details

Learn more