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Protocol levers

The protocol provides a number of settings controllable by the DAO. Modifying each of them requires the caller to have a specific permission. After deploying the DAO, all permissions belong to the DAO Voting app, which can also manage them. This means that, initially, levers can only be changed by the DAO voting, and other entities can be allowed to do the same only as a result of the voting.

All existing levers are listed below, grouped by the contract.

A note on upgradeability

The following contracts are upgradeable by the DAO voting:

Upgradeability is implemented by the Aragon kernel and base contracts. To upgrade an app, one needs the dao.APP_MANAGER_ROLE permission provided by Aragon. All upgradeable contracts use the Unstructured Storage pattern in order to provide stable storage structure across upgrades.



The entity fee for _daoFee, _operatorsFee, _insuranceFee, all expressed in % that sum up to 100%.

  • Mutator: setFees(uint8 _daoFee, uint8 _operatorsFee, uint8 _insuranceFee)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: entityFees() returns ( { uint8 dao; uint8 operators; uint8 insurance; } )

The fee is taken on staking rewards and distributed between the treasury, the insurance fund, and node operators.

DAO Address

The DAO address for the StMatic contract.

  • Mutator: setDaoAddress(address _address)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: dao() returns(address)

Insurance Address

The insurance address for the StMatic contract.

  • Mutator: setInsuranceAddress(address _address)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: insurance() returns(address)

NodeOperatorRegistry Address

The Node Operator Registry contract address for the StMatic contract.

  • Mutator: setNodeOperatorRegistryAddress(address _address)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: nodeOperatorRegistry() returns(INodeOperatorRegistry)

DelegationLowerBound Address

The new lower bound for delegation for the StMatic contract.

  • Mutator: setDelegationLowerBound(uint256 _delegationLowerBound)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: delegationLowerBound() returns(uint256)

DistributionLowerBound Address

The new lower bound for rewards distribution for the StMatic contract.

  • Mutator: setRewardDistributionLowerBound(uint256 _rewardDistributionLowerBound)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: rewardDistributionLowerBound() returns(uint256)

PoLidoNFT Address

The new poLidoNFT address for the StMatic contract.

  • Mutator: setPoLidoNFT(address _poLidoNFT)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: poLidoNFT() returns(IPoLidoNFT)

FxStateRootTunnel Address

The new fxStateRootTunnel address for the StMatic contract.

  • Mutator: setFxStateRootTunnel(address _fxStateRootTunnel)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: fxStateRootTunnel() returns(IFxStateRootTunnel)

SubmitThreshold Address

The new SubmitThreshold address for the StMatic contract.

  • Mutator: setSubmitThreshold(uint256 _submitThreshold)
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: submitThreshold() returns(uint256)

SubmitHandler Address

The submit handler enables or disables the submit function.

  • Mutator: flipSubmitHandler()
    • Permission required: DAO
  • Accessor: submitHandler() returns(bool)


  • Mutators: togglePause()
    • Permission required: DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE
  • Accessor: paused() returns (bool)

When paused, StMatic doesn't accept user submissions, doesn't allow user withdrawals and reward distribution. No token actions (burning, transferring, approving transfers and changing allowances) are allowed. The following transactions revert:

  • calls to submit(uint256);
  • calls to requestWithdraw(uint256);
  • calls to delegate()
  • calls to claimTokens(uint256);
  • calls to distributeRewards()
  • calls to withdrawTotalDelegated()
  • calls to claimTokens2StMatic(uint256)


Adding a node operator

Add a new Node Operator to the registry and part of the larger Lido on Polygon protocol.

  • Mutator: addOperator(string memory _name, uint8 address _rewardAddress, bytes memory _signerPubkey)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE

Removing a node operator

A node operator can be removed from the registry by calling this function. Operators removed from protocol don’t take part in fee distribution.

  • Mutator: removeOperator(uint256 _operatorId)
    • Permission required: REMOVE_OPERATOR_ROLE

Unstaking a node operator

A node operator can be unstaked from the protocol by the DAO. The DAO can withdraw delegated tokens from an unstaked node operator.

  • Mutator: unstake(uint256 _operatorId)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE

Maximum delegate limit

The maximum delegate limit can be changes by the DAO. This determines how much is delegated to each node operator. The new maximum delegate limit must be less than 10Billion.

  • Mutator: setDefaultMaxDelegateLimit(uint256 _defaultMaxDelegateLimit)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: defaultMaxDelegateLimit() returns(uint256)

Maximum delegate limit

The maximum delegate limit can be changes by the DAO. This determines how much is delegated to each node operator. The new maximum delegate limit must be less than 10Billion.

  • Mutator: setDefaultMaxDelegateLimit(uint256 _defaultMaxDelegateLimit)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: defaultMaxDelegateLimit() returns(uint256)

Maximum operator delegate limit

The maxim delegate limit per operator. This is different from the default maximum delegate limit. I can only be changed by the DAO.

  • Mutator: setMaxDelegateLimit(uint256 _operatorId, uint256 _maxDelegateLimit)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE

Set commission rate

The commission rate to be used to calculate commission during reward distribution to all node operators. It can only be called by the DAO.

  • Mutator: setCommissionRate(uint256 _commissionRate)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: commissionRate() returns(uint256)

Update operator commission rate

The commission rate to be used to calculate commission during reward distribution to per node operators. It can only be called by the DAO.

  • Mutator: updateOperatorCommissionRate(uint256 _operatorId, uint256 _newCommissionRate)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE

Set stake amount and fees

The DAO can set the stake amount and heimdall fees.

  • Mutator: setStakeAmountAndFees(uint256 _minAmountStake, uint256 _minHeimdallFees)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE

Set restake

The DAO uses this function to determine whether a node operator can restake their rewards.

  • Mutator: setRestake(bool _restake)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: allowsRestake() returns(bool)

Set stmatic address

The DAO sets the stmatic contract address in the node operator registry contract.

  • Mutator: setStMATIC(address _stMATIC)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: stMATIC() returns(address)

Set validator factory address

The DAO sets the validator factory contract address in the node operator registry contract.

  • Mutator: setValidatorFactory(address _validatorFactory)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: validatorFactory() returns(address)

Set stake manager address

The DAO sets the stake manager contract address in the node operator registry contract.

  • Mutator: setStakeManager(address _stakeManager)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: stakeManager() returns(address)

Set stake manager address

The DAO sets the version of the node operator registry contract.

  • Mutator: setVersion(string memory _version)
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: version() returns(string memory)


  • Mutators: togglePause()
    • Permission required: DAO_ROLE
  • Accessor: paused() returns (bool)

When paused, NodeOperatorRegistry doesn't allow node operator addition, unstaking, or fee claiming. The following transactions revert:

  • calls to addOperator(string memory, address, bytes memory);
  • calls to stopOperator(uint256);
  • calls to removeOperator(uint256)
  • calls to joinOperator();
  • calls to stake(uint256, uint256 )
  • calls to restake(uint256 , bool)
  • calls to unstake()
  • calls to migrate()
  • calls to unjail()